You are out celebrating with your family at a restaurant or enjoying a concert with friends. Suddenly, two other patrons start fighting. You try to move out of the way, but it is too late. Even though you were just a bystander, you end up being sent to the hospital because of your injuries. Outside of ruining your night, you are now stuck with medical bills and have to miss work while recovering from the injuries. If the venue did not provide proper security, or the security that was present was negligent, you may be able to hold the venue responsible through a premises liability claim.
Responsibility of Venue Owners and Operators in Illinois
Any owner or operator of an entertainment venue or restaurant has the responsibility to keep their customers and visitors safe and free from harm. This can include protection from other patrons. If the owner did not take proper steps to ensure their guests’ safety, they can be held liable for injuries that their guests incur.
The venue where patrons congregate should have enough security staff to properly protect the safety of their customers. This can include inside the venue, as well as outside when visitors are exiting the building. In the case of an entertainment venue or a restaurant or bar that serves alcohol, the owner may be liable if they did not have proper measures in place to prevent harm to their patrons from these types of incidents. This can include hiring adequate security staff who will remove patrons who are belligerent or aggressive and who can break up a fight if one occurs. If the patron or patrons who started the fight were clearly drunk and causing problems for the staff and customers, the owner of the venue may be liable if steps were not taken to remove the person and keep others safe.
You may be entitled to financial compensation for your medical expenses, lost income from missed work, property damage, pain and suffering, and more.
Contact Our Will County Personal Injury Lawyer
Cases like these can be complicated and it helps to have an attorney who will fight for you and hold the responsible parties liable. If you have been injured at a restaurant, entertainment venue, or another venue, as a result of negligent security you may have a right to financial compensation. Contact Michael J. Lichner – Will County Personal Injury Lawyer to discuss your case. You can call us at 331-330-7429 to set up a free consultation.