As much as we may all want to be able to trust other drivers on the road, it is in our best interests to be proactive and alert when operating a motor vehicle. Even if you have full faith in your own driving abilities, you never know how another driver may act on the road. Sometimes, people choose to drive recklessly and disobey roadway laws, placing not only themselves in harm’s way but other people as well. This type of behavior is known as negligence. If you have been injured as a result of someone’s negligence on the road a Joliet car accident lawyer can help.
The Definition of Negligence
Negligence can be thought of as behavior in which a person does not conduct his- or herself in a reasonable manner and subsequently harms another party. If someone fails to drive in accordance with the law, their actions are considered negligent because they owe it to fellow drivers to conduct themselves in a safe manner, yet they failed to uphold that responsibility as a driver.
Examples of Negligent Behavior on the Road
Negligence can manifest in many different ways. For instance, as a driver on any public or private road, you are expected to uphold responsible driving behaviors when operating a motor vehicle. These behaviors include adhering to the speed limit, signaling when appropriate, stopping at traffic signs that require you to do so, and obeying all other roadway laws.
If an individual makes the choice to drive over the speed limit, turn without signaling, roll through traffic signs instead of stopping, and actively ignore safe driving practices, then their decisions are negligent by nature.Negligent driving can lead to injury-causing and fatal accidents.
What To Do if You are the Victim of a Negligent Driver
Your first priority should be ensuring that you are safe and healthy. Make sure you seek out medical attention for any injuries you sustained as a result of the roadway incident. If you were treated by healthcare providers, hold onto any and all medical bills that you receive.
Keep a record of all expenses that you incurred as a result of the incident as well, including the cost of repairs to your vehicle. It may be possible to file a personal injury claim, which may result in compensation for your accident-related expenses.
It is important to seek legal advice in the aftermath of a collision. This is also true if you have found yourself involved in a vehicle-related incident and you think you may be the victim of a negligent driver.
Contact a Joliet, IL Personal Injury Attorney Today
A Will County personal injury lawyer can help you build a case and show that the other party committed a breach of duty, resulting in negligent behavior that caused you harm. Negligence cases can feel overwhelming, especially when you are recovering from physical injuries and emotional damage after being harmed by a negligent driver. Luckily, you do not have to figure everything out on your own. Allow Michael J. Lichner – Will County Personal Injury Lawyer to help you file a personal injury claim today. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.